2Feet 2Health Reflexology Center is owned by Adrianne L. Fahey. Adrianne has a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Marketing and Personnel Management from the University of Colorado at Denver. After graduating from college, she worked in the personnel department of a large downtown bank for two years. Subsequently, she taught court reporting for nine years before getting attuned to Reiki I, II, and III in 1995. She was schooled in Reflexology in 1997 and opened 2Feet 2Health Reflexology Center in that same year. In August of 2000, she sat for the American Reflexology Certification Board (ARCB) examination and became nationally certified in Reflexology at that time. She was employed part-time by ARCB from August 2000 to February 2007 as its administrative assistant. She was responsible for the day-to-day operations of the ARCB. She has also served as the secretary and president of the Associated Reflexologists of Colorado (ARC), a state membership organization. She is currently a member of ARC, RAA (Reflexology Association of America), and ICR (International Council of Reflexologists). She certified as a Bach Flower Practitioner in April of 2009.